Monday, November 24, 2008

See, That Wasn't So Bad Now, Was It

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I'm just closing in on number 23. I knew when I started that I was technologically challenged. I've removed myself, finally, from the computer illiterate status. I'll have to agree with what Armchair Coach said in a recent video, without the structure it's very hard to go exploring on your own. So, the structure was very helpful and all the information for each thing made it much easier for me.

Everything I tried, all 23 things from starting a blog, to rss feeds, to flickr, librarything, etc were all new experiences. I don't love them all and I am not really good at some of them, but I've had a taste and now can go back through and explore at a more leisurely pace.

My favorites would still be flickr and librarything.

I like learning new things and I like poking around until I figure things out. When I haven't been able to figure them out it was great to have co-workers who were helpful. I hate feeling dumb and, although this was incredibly challenging for me, I liked learning something new everyday.

As far as doing something to improve the program, I'm especially grateful for your finely tuned ear that listened to our cries for more time and granted it. That helped with my stress level of trying to get everything done in a short amount of time when I mostly didn't have a clue what I was doing.

Would I do something like this again? You betcha. Even though I love winning prizes and I will accept if so chosen, the learning and exploring and getting help from co-workers was the best gift. I was even able to help out a few people along the way and this is a remarkable to me.

Go ahead, say "Learn" and I'll definately say PLAY :)

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