Friday, November 14, 2008

Trying to think of a new name for M OLD I


moldy books by protogarrett Digital Book by jbracken

Well I've included a few photos of moldy books and MOLDI books. Big difference! As you can see, a MOLDI book will never be moldy as it disappears from your device in 14 days.

I've been exploring the Moldi website at home from my own computer and from library computers. Fascinating stuff! How cool to be able to listen to or read a book from my computer and then have it disappear after 14 days with never any late fines. Cool thought from the circulation view that I so often have to deal with customers with overdue fines.

I found a book I wanted to read and I tried to download it last night but couldn't figure out how to do it. I'm going to keep trying until I figure it out. I noticed that on the website it says to ask a library staff member for help and I know that when customers call the Infoline for help we pass them right back to Moldi.

If I can figure out how to do this, perhaps I really will be able to help customers in the future.

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